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一萬點的股市 2008-05-19
國家未來的希望1 2008-06-02
國家未來的希望2 2008-06-04
國家未來的希望3 2008-06-05
國家未來的希望4 2008-06-08
國家未來的希望5 2008-06-10
兩岸會談 2008-06-11
國家未來的希望6 2008-06-12
釣魚台事件 2008-06-15
國家未來的希望7 2008-06-17
風神颱風 2008-06-22
腸病毒疫情何時了 2008-06-24
國家未來的希望8 2008-06-25
今年的流感疫苗 2008-06-27
2008美國總統 2008-06-27
央行升息半碼 2008-06-28
兩岸直航 2008-06-28
國安基金救股市 2008-06-28
陸客來台 2008-06-28
7月1日股市表現 2008-06-30
7月2日股市表現 2008-07-01
7月3日股市表現 2008-07-02
7月4日股市表現 2008-07-03
國家未來的希望9 2008-07-04
國家未來的希望10 2008-07-04
7月7日股市表現 2008-07-06
7月8日股市表現 2008-07-07
7月9日股市表現 2008-07-08
7月10日股市表現 2008-07-09
7月11日股市表現 2008-07-10
7月14日股市表現 2008-07-13
7月15日股市表現 2008-07-14
卡玫基颱風會不會侵台 2008-07-16
7月16日股市表現 2008-07-16
7月17日股市表現 2008-07-17
7月18日台灣股市 2008-07-18
7月21日台股表現 2008-07-20
7月22日台股表現 2008-07-21
7月23日台股表現 2008-07-22
2千公里外低氣壓 2008-07-22
7月24日台股表現 2008-07-24
鳳凰颱風會不會來 2008-07-25
監委上任 2008-08-01
倒馬活動 2008-08-04
國務機要費解密 2008-08-07
奧運棒球賽 2008-08-11
打雷 2008-08-15
如麗颱風 2008-08-19
質子碰撞實驗 2008-09-10
辛樂克颱風 2008-09-12
考試院關院長中 2008-09-17
開放大陸人民來台考試 2008-09-17
毒奶消失 2008-09-24
薔蜜颱風 2008-09-27
海高斯颱風會不會侵台 2008-10-01
陳水扁會不會被關 2008-10-21
陳雲林會不會被打 2008-10-21
兩岸會不會打仗 2008-10-21
陳水扁選總統 2008-10-25
總統入宅 2008-10-27
房價最低點 2008-10-31
2009世界經濟 2008-12-27
占消費券 2009-01-22
股票 2009-02-23
大安區補選 2009-03-28
誦經化解新流感 2009-05-12
蓮花颱風會不會侵台 2009-06-20
南卡颱風會不會侵台 2009-06-24
莫拉克颱風 2009-08-07
下一個颱風 2009-08-13
彩雲颱風 2009-09-13
17,18號颱風 2009-10-01
盧碧颱風 2009-10-19
南北韓會不會打 2010-11-24


@ 全部筆記(229)
@ 隨意寫( 18)
@ 興家點滴( 18)
@ 旅遊記事( 2)
@ 小孩( 9)
@ 幸福台灣( 24)
@ 部洛格政論( 49)
@ 雜記( 35)
@ 用易經看世界( 74)

        本頁連結URL http://candy88.tw/memo/?class_id=&text_id=281 歡迎使用廣傳

        除了 X你娘 我們還能說甚麼





        請參閱 Billypan的文章

        http://sites.google.com/site/dirtytaekwondo2010/ 英文版

        !!Latest picture as evidence!!!



        The upper panel of the picture shows that sensors were on the heels while gears testing.

        The lower panel of the picture shows that no sensor exists while fighting.

        Yang DID NOT cheat at all !


        But you may want to read the pictures and captions below video first

        Related videos:

        English news


        The CNN ireport



        Here are some snapshots captured from the video, which was recorded by a professional sport TV channel, to show the entire process.

        These pictures will tell the correct, iron-like truth including how the ridiculous mistakes happened and how unreasonable the whole thing is!!



        賽前試踢,測試感應襪 Both side swew testing the electronic socks.


        台下告訴裁判,楊淑君的感應襪有問題 Someone outside the field told the referee that Yang's(Taowan) socks has some problem.


        楊淑君到台下,取下感應襪上的感應片 Yang went downstairs immediately, left the field, and took off 2 sensers from her socks.


        取下感應片後,教練將感應片置於椅子下 yang's coach put the sensors taken off from Yang near the chair.


        裁判宣布比賽(這表示雙方裝備都沒有問題) This means that the eauipment of both sides are legit, no problens at all.


        比賽到一半,台下停止比賽,並要求楊淑君過去 Someone out of the field stopped the game and asked Yang to come over.


        洪性天檢查楊淑君的襪子,沒有看到她要的感應片 Hong(Korean) insected Yang;s socks and did NOT see any senser he wanted.


        洪性天示意裁判去楊淑君的教練那邊拿感應片 Hong asked the referee to take the sensors near the coach's chair.


        裁判走道教練那邊,教練彎起腰撿起地上的感應片 The referee went to Yang's coach and Yang's coach picked up the sensors near his chair.


        裁判拿到感應片後,交給洪性天 The referee gave the sensors obtained from the coach to Hong.


        洪性天拿到感應片後,比了比 Hong(Joren) waved the sensors taken from the coach.


        穿灰西裝的人過來看 Another one in suit came to check the sensors.


        洪性天跟趙磊交頭接耳 Hong and Chao were talking, checking sensors.


        亞運史上最骯髒的一幕 Which is the most disgusting scene in Asia Olympic


        Taiwanese are different from Chinese and Korean.

        We never ever cheat on any international game.

        We don't need the gold prize,

        WE WANT the JUSTICE and TRUTH.

        In order to show how well the Asian Games 2010 is working,

        China government uses their medias to broadcast lies and defamation.

        As you can see, IT IS NOT AT ALL.

        They don't even show any evidence, such as videos or pictures,

        to prove what they said.

        Lies and evilness have covered everything.

        After read this page,

        if you agree with the viewpoints which are based on evidences here,

        please join the Facebook and leave your comments to support Yang


        And also tell your friends to clarify the truth.